definition: betalkaboutable

If you haven't noticed, social media is changing how customers behave.  Search "social media trends" OR listen to the CEO of Google talk about how social is core to their strategy and where they are headed OR check out what McKinsey thinks - that customers place great value word of mouth marketing - that it is the primary factor behind 20 to 50 percent of all purchasing decisions - that social networks amplify this.

So...companies must embrace social media in their products and services...and across every customer touchpoint...particularly in sales, marketing, and customer service.

The most important question you can ask (and answer) is...what about your business is talkaboutable? What about your product or service is talkaboutable?

If you can't answer this well, you are at a disadvantage and spending much more time and money than you should be to make a profit.


To have a quality that makes people refer to you.


to have the quality of being.
to be identical to something.
to occupy a position or area, to exist.
to happen, occur or take place.
to work in a specific place.
to embody.
to spend or use time.
to have life and be alive.


to exchange thoughts.
to express in speech.
to exchange ideas in conversation.
to speak and use language.
to discuss.
to comment on.
to lecture.
to spill the beans.
to gossip and cause rumor.
to guide, lead, and inspire.


to describe something.
in connectin with.
in relation to.
in respect to.
referring to.
relative to.
touching on.


capable of being.
a suffix that forms adjectives from verbs and nouns.
1. that which can be — ed: enjoyable = that which can be enjoyed.
2. giving —; suitable for —: comfortable = giving comfort.
3. inclined to — ed: peaceable = inclined to peace.
4. deserving to be — ed: lovable = deserving to be loved.
5. liable to be — ed: breakable = liable to be broken.